The company began its endeavors as “Innovita Research Foundation”, a private foundation, which from 2001 initiated and supported researches in the field of anti-aging medicine. The foundation in 2005 was restructured to the “Innovita Research” company. Over of nearly 20 years of activity “Innovita Research” initiated and performed a number of scientific researches in the fields of anti-aging, cancer immunotherapy and regenerative medicine. Based on these studies, scientific papers is prepared, technologies are being developed and patented. Believing that our knowledge and experience can help many people who rely on modern biomedicine and science, the “Innovita Clinic” opened its doors in 2019.
One of the main reasons for setting up the “Innovita Clinic” is the perception that standard treatment methods are often inadequate. With the help of science and medical professionals, the Clinic has embraced innovative medical solutions: uses of immune and stem cells that can help patients with autoimmune, degenerative or oncological diseases.